After spending some time with my wonderful boyfriend yesterday, he pulled up my blog and told me how boring it was because I never post. I am gonna change that and start posting whether I feel like it or not because I would hate for this to be boring. And well.. dern.
I have been aching to write a story for a few days now. As I was driving home from Boyfriend's house last night, I kept thinking of different things. Albeit, dark things. Why do I like writing about dark things? I am in a very loving and wonderful relationship. I should write Harlequin romance novels and maybe even children stories. But no. I write about angry cops being murdered and then their heart-wrenching back-story that make you realize, "HOLY CRAP, HE WAS THE KILLER ALL ALONG". Oops, spoiler.
It's these stories that make me a bit uneasy when it comes to sharing them. For instance, my parents will never read the story of James, nor will Boyfriend. Alright, maybe Boyfriend will. But that's up to him. I guess I'm so uneasy about it because when I get into my writing, I forget that I am a well-mannered (sometimes) lady who does the proper things in life and I suddenly turn into James, the alcoholic jerk who likes to curse more than your grandmother when she's trying to defend the recipe of her coconut cake. Wow, I'm really getting into this post, aren't I? If anyone is interested in James, let me know either through comments here or some other way. I know I have readers from RL and RPG, so feel free to contact me about it. I guess I should start posting some of my writing, anyway.
Alright, well, I am going to go ahead and wrap this up. Have a great week!
Writing is an escape from everyday life. If you write about stuff from everyday life, that's not much of an escape, is it?