Monday, January 21, 2013

Straight Out of a Horror Movie

Yes, I used a gif because this was the most suitable image I could find that relates to what I am about to talk about. Which reminds me to let you guys know that I am going to start posting some image at the top of every post. You know, make this more me and more interesting. Whoop-dee-doo. Alright, now to get the the topic at hand.

You are all familiar with horror movies. Particularly ones where blood drips from the walls and it all goes Amityville Horror. I had a very similar experience today that made me think of that and now I'm seriously considering putting it in one of my screenplays I am going to write this year. What is this experience about exactly? Ladybug Showers.

"Nothing to see here. Move along, now."

Sure, go ahead and laugh. It sounds ridiculous. Ladybugs. The cute, red, spotted bugs are harmless (though my great aunt swears they bite) but they also stink to the high heavens. In the area where I live, ladybugs are very prominent when the weather begins to cool down and that is not a good thing. They will swarm around your doors and windows just looking for a way to get inside, and in most cases, actually do. Plenty of our neighbors have the same problem, but the difference is is that their house isn't like mine. 

To give you a little bit of background, I live in a very old farmhouse. Built in 1904, that makes it 109 years old and though it is pretty, you can definitely see its age. There are weak places in the floors, a few hollow spots in the walls, and no electricity upstairs save for three light-bulbs. Another thing to note is the fact that this house doesn't have any insulation, whatsoever. Not even horse hair. It's just boards of wood and that's it. Makes it super cold in the winter and stifling in the summer. But, it's a home and it's been in the family for a while. 

So, where were we? Oh yes, the ladydemonsbugs. This winter has been difficult with them. It seems like every year we get more and more and more. They are everywhere and it's disgusting. They will be on our kitchen ceiling and randomly fall down. They'll crawl on the computer screen at night and it's no telling where they are in our bedrooms. My mom has been fed up with it and the past few days, she has been turning over the house looking for these bugs. She found little colonies of them under our sink and then in the cabinets  Every time she found them, she would kill them and I would kill them. She caulked the windows and not only did that help the temperature in the house stay a little warmer, but it seemed to help the ladybug infestation, too. 

Today, we were messing around the house. I was working on something for a website I go to and my mom was vacuuming the hallway. Something suddenly just... I dunno.. made her snap, I guess and she decided that taking off some of the thin wood paneling on our walls would be a good idea. She was planning on painting anyway, so no harm done, right? Wrong. She found the ladybugs. Huge masses of these smelly insects in the walls, hibernating and having a jolly good time. She then starts taking away the trim at our windows. Ladybugs just rained down from the ceiling and onto the floor. Hundreds of them. Every pop from the screwdriver was like the button you find on soda dispensers but instead of coke it was bodies.


This was so strange to see and the smell was horrible. And the funny thing? The "Old House Smell" that I mentioned above... yeah, now you and I both know where it came from. The ladybugs are in our walls. Not just ladybugs from this year, but ladybugs from years past. I'm not looking forward to taking the rest of the wooden paneling off......

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