Monday, January 14, 2013


I have been meaning to write for a while, but every time I thought of something, I wouldn't be near anything to write it down and I would just forget it. So, I am just going to start rambling here and just put out things that have been on my mind lately. This will be in sections and will be a bit personal, which I said it the beginning I wouldn't touch on, but I really just feel like getting it out there.

1. New Years Resolutions
I don't like calling them that in the slightest. I like to call them "Goals" or something to that effect. Much simpler and I like the word better. What would I like to do this year? Well, I feel like this is a big year for me on the romantic side, education side, and personal side. 

I am hoping to get out on my own by Christmas.This means getting the financial funds and the right mindset to tell my parents that I am leaving. They can make it hard or easy, but I'll be leaving once and for all. Crazy pipe dreams? Maybe. Will I make it work? I sure hope so. 

Another goal involves my boyfriend. We may or may not get engaged this year. That is entirely up to him, really. He already knows I'll say, "Yes." Whether we do or not, I still want us to be living together, also by Christmas. If not by then, then by the Summer of '14. This is something that the both of us want to do, and with where we are now, it would be the best for us, also. I wish it could happen sooner, but I don't see that happening. 

This also, in turn, connects to my education. I will be graduating with my Associates by the Fall. I have always been pushed to get a Bachelors, Masters, even Doctorate  The problem? I don't want to. I am not a college person. I enjoy my education and I know that things supposedly get easier with a higher diploma, but I not suited for the college scene. Perhaps after marriage and getting settle, I can take some courses and eventually get my Bachelors. It can be done. But I don't exactly want it now. I am more of  a family-oriented person. I want nothing more than to be a loving wife and a caring mother. It's what I've dreamed about for a long time and after meeting my boyfriend, it's been my main drive. Oh my, I can't believe a woman is talking about being a homemaker. How old-school and prudish. Viva La Feminazi.

On the topic of education, which the last few semesters creeping up on me, I am making it a huge goal to procrastinate less. I know, I'm doing so well with this post coming up so late, but bear with me. I work better under pressure, like 24-hour pressure and sometimes 12-hour pressure, but that can only get you so far. Ya know?

My final resolution is to (how original is this?) lose weight. I've already done well with losing 10 pounds in the past few months by simply cutting out cokes and high-fructose corn syrup. My goal is around 150lbs, which is healthy for my height. I'm well on my way and with some exercise and more healthy eating habits thrown in there, I know I can do it.

So, that is all for this little segment. The next post will be about Grief and Frustration and you can expect that in a few days time. I have to leave with a question, though. What are your goals for this year or in the general future?

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